The Children’s Cultural Forum provides a unique opportunity for talented children and teenagers from Russia and other countries to get acquainted with the global
accomplishments in the field of culture and art.
The Forum unites young participants striving to grow and evolve in diverse creative spheres. It is an interesting and informative meeting with governmental and public figures, cultural activists, famous educators, where one can discuss contemporary trends in cultural development and personal opportunities for creative realization.
The Forum participants are young talented people aged 12 to 17 years old from 89 federal regions of Russia and 14 foreign countries.
More than 60 events, including masterclasses, debates, art schools and creative lessons, will take place across all six areas of the Forum. The majority of these events will be held in an interactive format.
Each day, afternoon and evening concerts will be held for the Forum participants. There will be a film concert accompanied by the Russian State Symphony Orchestra of Cinematography conducted by S. Skripka and concerts of children’s and youth groups, including national groups from all over Russia.
A closing ceremony and interactive concert programme will conclude the Forum on 24 August.
Minister’s Appeal
Welcoming speech by Olga Lyubimova, Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation
Альтист, художественный руководитель, главный дирижер Государственного симфонического оркестра «Новая Россия», Всероссийского юношеского симфонического оркестра, Герой труда Российской Федерации, народный артист Российской Федерации
Генеральный директор Большого Московского государственного цирка, народный артист Российской Федерации
Художественный руководитель Государственного театра наций, народный артист Российской Федерации
Художественный руководитель — директор Московского государственного академического театра «Русская песня», народная артистка РСФСР
Хореограф, заслуженный артист Российской Федерации
General Director of the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Cultural Institution "The State Academic Chapel of St. Petersburg", Honoured Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation
Artistic Director of the Moscow Gubernsky Theatre, People's Artist of the Russian Federation
General Director of the "Great Moscow State Circus", National Artist of the Russian Federation
Literary critic, director of the “State Museum of the history of Russian literature after V. I. Dahl'
General Director of "The State Tretyakov Gallery"
Choreographer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation
General Producer of Okko streaming service, president and ideologist of the All-Russian Children’s and Family Films and Animation Festival “Medvezhonok”,